Sunday 30 October 2011

Strawberry Jam

Strawberries! Don't you love them? I do! I love them fresh, I love them in desserts and I love them sweet and on my freshly toasted buttered bread. What I don't like though is how most commercially available jams are far too sweet. So I decided to make my own this week. How do you make? You only need 3 things and the process is so simple, it's hard to get it wrong.

The ingredients:
  • 1 kg fresh strawberries - make sure they are ripe
  • 150 grams of caster sugar
  • Water
The procedure:

Cut off the leaves and stems from the strawberries and boil them in water. Once they have boiled, take the strawberries out. Save the strawberry water as you can use it later. Now scrunch the sugar and the boiled strawberries together being careful not to smash the strawberries. Put the mixture into a saucepan and simmer for 30 minutes. If your mixture is too dry, put a little of the strawberry water from earlier. Stir the mixture every few minutes as it can stick to the bottom of the pan. After 30 minutes, take it out and let it cool. As it cools, it becomes stickier. If the mixture becomes really thick while in the pan, you overdid it so it's best to keep on checking it.

And now the photos:

prepare your ingredients - strawberries & caster sugar.
slice off the leaves and stalks.
put the strawberries in a pot with water and let it boil.
make sure it comes to a rolling boil.
drain the strawberries.
mix the sugar in. don't worry if you didn't drain the strawberries totally. as you can see, i still have leftover liquid in my mixing bowl.
scrunch it all up.
pour the mixture into a sauce pan.
simmer for 30 minutes.
and now you have fresh strawberry jam!

the jam would still have enough whole strawberries.
and it is delicious on french toast!
Now here's a tip. Do you remember the strawberry water from earlier? Mix some lemon juice in it along with some sugar and ice it and you have a refreshing drink!



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