Tuesday 19 July 2011

Papua New Guineans

When people hear of Papua New Guinea, they automatically think that it's in Africa. Well, it really is just an hour above Australia and right next to Indonesia. So I was asked today about what are Papua New Guineans like? Well, the most ridiculous thing you could say is that they are cannibals as they are the exact opposite! Though it is true that cannibalism was practiced, this was year and years ago. Perhaps during the time of discovery of Papua New Guinea by the explorers like Captain Cook. Unfortunately, this fierce reputation stuck in the minds of people due to its controversial nature. Well, I'm here to change that.

Papua New Guinea has numerous tribes. Though they have physical similarities, they are all different in one way or another. It is not strange to have 2 villages living a few kilometres away from each other and both using totally different languages. As such, the people can be a bit fragmented due to tribal differences. However, I can see more and more of the younger generation to be more unified as a people. I have to say that technology has played a large part in this. 

In this page, I have put together various pictures taken around the country. Some of the photos here are that of friends while some are total strangers who happily posed for me. I want to dispell the image that Papua New Guineans are all half-naked people with painted faces. These are just images that tourists love to take home with them as they represent exotic images of a faraway land.

Papua New Guineans are always ready to flash a smile when they see a camera which shows their friendly nature. Of course like in any developing nation, it would be crazy for a tourist to just snap away without a care in the world so if you are visiting Papua New Guinea, be mindful of your environment when taking snap shots and have someone accompany you. Enjoy...

John - IP solicitor, Matthew - APRA, Chandra - WIPO, Douveri - Pacific Forum
guy eating corn at the co-op
kid trying to play cute
at the Kokopo market
lady making a bilum bag, traditional woven unisex tote bags
security guards in Goroka
father & son at Ela beach
women from the bush at Snake Road
cooking Japanese!
buying noni fruit at the local market
traditional dancers from Central province
a couple of kids who were playing a joke on me

Chinese new year - local Chinese and Papua New Guineans participate in the lion dance

1 comment:

  1. Hai... Thaks for your informasion. I am From west Papua. Generaly, West Papua and PNG is sama in nature, melanesian culture etc.

    I Join on your blog. Join back on my blog please. Thaks.
