Monday 18 July 2011

Recycling & a veggie sandwich

From yesterday, you could see that I used up so many lemons and so many oranges. I also used quite a number of rosemary twigs and fennel. Well, I had an extra rosemary twig so I felt that it would be a shame to let it dry out. I also didn't want to just throw away the rinds of the oranges and lemons that I used up. So being the cheapskate that I am, I decided to recycle them all. I rinsed 2 pitchers, threw 2 tea bags, some sugar and the lemons rinds in one and the rosemary twig and orange rinds in the other. I sliced up the lemon rinds to a smaller size so they could fit in the mouth of the pitcher which I got for free some years back.

The result is refrigerator tea! Well, the orange rosemary is just orange rosemary water. I mixed a little sugar in this one as I want it to be light and refreshing. The lemons and the tea bags on the other hand is iced tea. Refrigerator tea shares the same concept of sun tea without the risk of bacterial growth associated with leaving the tea leaves under the sun. So for recycling all these things, I ended up with 2 pitchers of refreshing drink!

preparing the orange rosemary water

refrigerator tea and orange rosemary water

a refreshing drink!

By the way, you can keep on re-using the rinds and the rosemary twig until they lose their taste. Just make sure they are kept cold so that bacteria doesn't grow on them.

I also felt that I need to eat lighter so I made myself a veggie sandwich. I like the taste of sauteed onions and I figured it would blend nicely with some Swiss brown mushrooms I bought. I sauteed the mushrooms in olive oil and finished it with butter and lightly salted it. The onions were sauteed in olive oil. It is important that you brown the onions to get that certain flavour out. I then mixed everything up along with some honey barbecue sauce and some cheddar cheese and the result is an scrumptious veggie delight! Whoever said going veggie is tasteless hasn't tried on of my concoctions!

Swiss brown mushrooms are different from button mushrooms

let the mushrooms sizzle!

delightful mushrooms!
sauteed onions
preparing the sandwich
isn't it scrumptious?

Happy eating ladies and gentlemen!

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